
Dexamethasone shows significant positive impact for COVID patients in the RECOVERY trial

  • 2 July 2020
  • 1 min read

The RECOVERY (Randomised Evaluation of COVid-19 thERapY) trial is one of 48 COVID-19 studies funded and supported by the NIHR.

The trial began by testing five suggested treatments, including dexamethasone, to discover which treatments for COVID-19 deliver better outcomes for patients, compared to only standard hospital care.

Recruitment to the dexamethasone arm was halted in early June as sufficient patients had been enrolled to establish if the drug had a meaningful benefit.

The researchers found that dexamethasone, a steroid typically used to reduce inflammation,  significantly reduces the risk of dying from COVID-19 for patients requiring respiratory intervention. Given the public health importance of these results, the study team are now working to publish the full details as soon as possible.

346 people in the West of England* have taken part in the study, out of over 11,800 people nationally. Locally, the CRN WE is supporting the study across all five acute trusts in the region.

Prof Nick Lemoine, Chair of the NIHR's Urgent Public Health group and Medical Director of the NIHR's Clinical Research Network, said:

"This is hugely promising news from a world-leading team of researchers. Once again, this shows how UK research is truly at the forefront of the fight against the coronavirus, and how the NIHR's unique funding, support and delivery model leads to meaningful breakthroughs in unprecedented time-frames."

Sue Taylor, Chief Operating Officer for the CRN West of England, added:

“I would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to research staff in the West of England who have worked so hard to support the delivery of this UK study. All of your hard work has contributed to the finding that dexamethasone significantly reduces the risk of dying for COVID-19 patients requiring oxygen. A huge achievement by all involved. Well done!”

More information can be found on the study website

* Regional data is behind national data and so does not represent a fully accurate proportion of the national total.

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