Research delivery support for non-commercial studies

Our Study Support Service underpins the delivery of high-quality research in a range of health and care settings.

If you need help with a commercially sponsored study, see our life sciences page.

We can work with you at all stages of your research journey. We provide dedicated services to help you set up and deliver your study efficiently. We do this by tapping into the expertise, capability and capacity of the whole health and care system. Our support includes:

  • advice and signposting to help you access research funding
  • tools and experts to help define the activities required to deliver your research and understand who is responsible for the costs (Attributing the costs of health and social care Research and Development - AcoRD)
  • guidance to ensure your research is inclusive and participant-friendly
  • help to identify suitable locations for your research
  • access to research registries and other digital tools for recruitment
  • information on data service providers to help you find, recruit and follow-up participants
  • determining if your study is eligible for inclusion on the Research Delivery Network Portfolio. Included studies can access the following additional support:
    • a dedicated workforce to help identify study participants
    • provision of NHS Service Support Costs and Excess Treatment Costs
    • tools to support sponsors and their delegates assess study progress
    • support for sponsors and delegates with individual study delivery and performance upon request

Getting started

For further tailored advice and support, contact your regional network team.

If your study is already part of the NIHR Research Delivery Network Portfolio:

If you are not sure who to contact, our Study Support Service helpdesk team can direct your query to the right team to support you.

As the RDN progresses through its transition period, the Study Support Service is transforming many of its services to ensure it meets the needs of our customers and stakeholders. This page will be updated to reflect the latest changes as they are implemented.