
Involvement in meningitis trial leads to award for Northamptonshire research nurse

  • 6 March 2020
  • 2 min read

The CRN East Midlands would like to congratulate Liz Sabin (Senior Clinical Research Nurse) at Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT), for winning the Trust’s Quality in Leadership award.

Liz was recognised for her commitment and hard work to involve the Trust in the ‘Be on the Team: Teenagers against Meningitis’ research study, which is looking into the impact of offering Meningitis B vaccinations to students aged 16-19.

Her interest in the study was piqued by a news story on BBC Breakfast, and she set about finding out more about the trial and enquiring as to whether the research team at NHFT could be involved in delivering the study across Northamptonshire.

Participants receive two doses of a Meningitis B vaccine, and the results will help to assess whether administering a vaccine could reduce the risk of others getting meningitis across the whole community.

After getting the green light to administer the study locally, Liz set about establishing partnerships with schools to find young people to take part. So far, over 400 people have been involved in study, making it the highest recruiting study at the Trust.

The type of study means that members of the research team including Liz have had to learn new skills, undertaking training in order to be able to deliver vaccinations to participants which will now help them to take part in similar studies in the future.

Speaking about the experience, Liz says: “I was delighted to receive this award in recognition of how successful our involvement with this study has been and am very proud of our Team’s achievement.

“We’ve had an amazing response from schools, parents and young people, the vast majority of whom have wanted to take part and help us to see whether this vaccination can protect young people and the wider community from meningitis in the future.

“Research plays an essential role in helping to develop and deliver new treatments and medicines for the future, and it is fantastic that the Trust has recognised the importance of research through this award.”

Our congratulations to Liz, her colleagues at the Trust and all involved for making this study a success and getting the recognition that is so richly deserved.

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