
Over 50 people take part in research as CRN Greater Manchester visits Old Trafford mosque

  • 29 June 2022
  • 2 min read

People across Greater Manchester, East Cheshire and East Lancashire are being given opportunities to be part of research at locations in their local community. 

It is all part of the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) strategy to make participation in research studies more inclusive for all residents in the region (.PDF)

As part of this approach, the NIHR's Clinical Research Network Greater Manchester team visited Jame'ah Masjid E Noor mosque in Old Trafford on 17 June 2022 to give people the opportunity to get involved in the Genes and Health Study

This a major study aiming to recruit 100,000 people of South Asian heritage. By giving a small saliva sample, participants are helping researchers better understand the genetics behind the health conditions prevalent in these communities. 

People showed a great deal of interest, as more than 50 individuals consented to participate. 

Professor Bill Newman, Principal Investigator for the Genes and Health Study at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We had the opportunity to speak with the congregation; to talk about what we're trying to do to understand the genetic factors that are important in why some individuals from the Asian community have a higher risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and have had a severe response to COVID. 

“People have been so interested to participate, to learn about the study. It's been a really great opportunity to come out into the community to speak to people and, rather than expecting people to come up to the hospital or go to their GP practices, they come to Friday Prayers, they learn a little bit about the study and then they have a chance to participate and ask questions about what it is we're doing and what the expectations and hopes for the study are.” 

Participant “Yasser Riaz, 41, of Moss Side, said:I've taken part in a study studying the health conditions of people from South Asian origin. I've given a saliva sample and hopefully that should be useful to look at all the samples and compare them with other people from ethnic backgrounds.”

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