
‘Research Practice Of The Year’ Use Award To Deliver More Research In The Community

  • 29 January 2020
  • 2 min read

Staff at Claremont Medical Practice, Exmouth, can now deliver more research studies to their patients following delivery of a brand new state of the art spirometer. The GP Practice was recognised as ‘Research Practice of the Year’ by the NIHR Clinical Research Network and RCGP Scientific Foundation Board for ‘demonstrating great examples of innovation and outstanding research delivery.’

The award of £1,000 was used last year to update existing equipment used to diagnose and monitor certain lung conditions by measuring how much air you can breathe out in one forced breath. The new kit allows the team to deliver research studies with greater efficiently. Previously the old spirometer needed calibration before every use and the training was complex, but now the team can perform the test in a matter of minutes.

Lynsey Beall, Community Research Nurse, uses the new spirometer when she delivers NIHR-HTA funded BICS study; a research study into the treatment of COPD. She said:

“The participants are keen to be involved. COPD is a chronic illness and they want to gain more information and improve their health, especially in winter. Without the new spirometer we couldn’t take part in any respiratory studies, it now opens up the studies we can do. The equipment isn’t something the practice would normally buy, but with this award Claremont was able to purchase it from their ‘wish list.’

Research delivery in a primary care setting is just one of the ways the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) increases opportunities for patients and the public to participate in, and benefit from, research.  The Royal College of General Practioners (RCGP) works with the NIHR to celebrate excellence in primary care research and recognise GP Practices that are research active.

Staff at Claremont Medical Practice L-R: Nicky Musgrove, Lynsey Beall, Dr Kevin Douglas, Kirsty Nicholls and Dr Lisa Gibbons

Lisa Gibbons, GP Partner at Claremont Medical Practice and Primary Care Lead NIHR Clinical Research Network: South West Peninsula said:

“We are delighted to be able to offer our patients the opportunity to take part in research. We have had many people say how helpful it is to be able to take part in research - it can improve their health and they are keen to improve medical care for their condition for themselves and patients in the future. We have a large number of people living with asthma and chronic bronchitis and now we can offer them the opportunity to take part in studies which can improve their health.”

If you are interested in participating in clinical research visit or email for more information about the opportunities in your local area.

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