
South London liver trial needs more volunteers

  • 04 July 2023
  • 2 min read

A senior researcher is calling on eligible south Londoners to take part in a trial looking to help those with a liver disease called cirrhosis.

Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver caused by long-term liver damage. The disease causes pressure changes inside the abdomen and swelling of veins in the oesophagus called varices, which can cause fatal bleeding. The scar tissue prevents the liver from working properly.

The BOPPP trial aims to establish whether or not patients with cirrhosis and varices can be treated with a beta-blocker called carvedilol, a type of anti-hypertensive medication, to reduce the pressure in the veins. The NIHR Clinical Research Network South London is supporting the BOPPP trial.

Dr Laura Blackmore, a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist at Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust and Principal Investigator for the BOPPP trial, said:

“Liver disease has risen exponentially in the UK; when outcomes for other chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases have improved, the same improvement has not been observed for those with liver disease.

“Trials such as BOPPP are vital to understanding more about effective treatments and interventions for patients with liver disease. The results of this trial will improve their quality of life and improve clinicians understanding, which can then support medical decisions for these patients.

“We are looking for patients with cirrhosis, who at the time of endoscopy are found to have small varices, dilated blood vessels in their oesophagus, which is a muscular tube that connects your mouth to your stomach. I’d urge eligible people to get involved! Our feedback from our volunteers has been very positive.

“Come and meet the team and learn about the importance of the trial and the process of getting involved. We are very happy to answer any questions you may have. Research is vital to improving patient outcomes, and I am passionate about ensuring that our population can access national NIHR-supported studies.”

According to the British Liver Trust website, over 40 people in the UK die daily from liver disease. Since 1970, deaths due to liver disease have increased by 400%. You can find out more on the BOPPP trial website.

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