Participant in Research Experience Survey (PRES)

The content on this page is related to surveys which are taking place across South Central Research Delivery Network

Participant in Research Experience Survey (PRES)

Participant experience is a key part of research delivery. By understanding the experiences of those who take part in health and care research, we can promote best practice and take steps to improve the research process for everyone involved. 

We support staff to deliver the Participant in Research Experience Survey to research participants. The survey can be completed online or on paper and is designed for anyone who has taken part in health and care research to provide feedback on their experience. 

Taking part in the survey

To complete the survey, please follow the link most relevant to you below. The survey should take around five minutes to complete, depending on the level of detail you include.

You will see questions at the beginning, asking you for the study name, site identification, and study number - these should have been provided to you by the study team.   

We encourage participants to be as open and honest as possible when providing feedback. Once you have completed the survey, click 'submit' and the page will refresh to confirm your submission.

The Survey

Research participants in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight

For further information about the survey in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire (not Milton Keynes), Frimley and Oxfordshire, please visit Participant in Research Experience Survey Thames Valley and South Midlands.


People’s responses are pooled and then carefully reviewed by a team of researchers. The anonymous results are published nationally each year and help to improve the way research studies are designed and delivered, now and in the future.

For more information about the the 2023/24 survey results for both Thames Valley and South Midlands, and Wessex:

More information

You can contact us for more information and guidance about:

  • The survey, including requesting an alternative format

  • Our Participant in Research Experience dashboard, which is available for research staff to access