
Taking part in COVID-19 research: Clive's story

  • 20 November 2020
  • 2 min read

Oxford great grandfather Clive Robinson, who has lung disease, took part in a study aimed at keeping at-risk people with COVID-19 symptoms out of hospital.

Oxford great grandfather Clive Robinson, who has lung disease, took part in a study aimed at keeping at-risk people with COVID-19 symptoms out of hospital.

Oxford great grandfather Clive Robinson, who has lung disease, took part in a study aimed at keeping at-risk people with COVID-19 symptoms out of hospital.

Mr Robinson took antibiotics for the study after experiencing breathing difficulties and a loss of taste, common symptoms on COVID-19.

The great grandfather-of-nine said: "I felt awful, I couldn't breathe, food just tasted like nothing. It was nasty. I thought I had COVID-19.

"I was worried that I'd end up having to go to hospital and it made me very depressed."

The Platform Randomised trial of Interventions against COVID-19 in older peoPLE (PRINCIPLE) trial, led by the University of Oxford, is testing existing treatments for older patients in the community with moderate symptoms of the disease or a positive test for COVID-19.

Mr Robinson, married to Anne, learned about the study through his GP at South Oxford Health Centre and was invited to take a COVID-19 test before taking part.

He tested negative but was invited to take part as tests are not 100% accurate and those who test negative could still have the virus.

The NIHR-funded trial is evaluating whether a short course of antibiotics azithromycin or doxycycline can reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms in vulnerable groups and help avoid hospital admission.

Mr Robinson was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in 2015, where the lungs become inflamed, damaged and narrowed, causing breathing difficulties. The main cause is smoking, although it can be caused by genetics or long-term exposure to fumes or dust.

Mr Robinson smoked 40 cigarettes a day since he was 21, but cut down to 10 following his diagnosis. He uses a wheelchair as he struggles to walk due to his breathing difficulties. People with underlying health conditions such as COPD are at a higher risk of becoming severely ill with COVID-19.

Mr Robinson, a former supervisor at Oxford's John Radcliffe Hospital, said: "As I have severe COPD I'm at risk of infections, so I've been shielding and staying at home the whole time.

"I called my doctor, who suspected I had COVID-19 and he asked if I wanted to take part in a study. Straight away I said 'yes, if it helps other people, then I'll do it.'

"I always try to take part in research because the researchers might learn something from me that will help somebody else.

"I know four people who have died of COVID-19. It's very sad, especially as they were younger than me.

"I would 100% recommend research. Everybody should consider taking part because it can help people all over the world."

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