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Not all paramedics wear green - the role of the research paramedic

Jack Barrett is a research paramedic at South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SECAmb). He is undertaking an NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship (CDRF). The CDRF scheme funds registered healthcare professionals to undertake a PhD by research and, concurrently, to undertake further professional development and clinical practice.


Your Path in Research - Abi's Story

Research Nurse Abi talks about her path in research


CRN WM Young Research Champions - Leading the Way

Our group has been contributing to research even during the pandemic


Your Path in Research - Thomas's story

Thomas Myerscough is a Clinical Trials Coordinator at The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Thomas started his career in research at a young age, having previously worked in administrative roles in the NHS.


Medway respiratory and intensive care consultant talks about his path in research and why others should consider a research career

Dr Rahuldeb Sarkar is a respiratory and intensive care consultant at Medway NHS Foundation Trust in Medway, Kent.


“Every day is different and there is constant adventure in the workplace” — Agnes shares her research career story

Discover how nurse Agnes Collarte developed her research career in North West London.


Your Path in Research: Finding a new drug for Parkinson’s and exploring new ways to monitor the progression of Parkinson’s

Your Path in Research: Dr Payne and the UP study


Your Path in Research: SAFA Research Team using research to find less aggressive treatment for acne in adult women

Your Path in Research: the SAFA Research team


Your Path in Research - Neil's Greenshoot journey

Neil is a Consultant Nephrologist from South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust who received Greenshoots funding and began his research journey.


Sisters join study to improve preventative surgery options for women at increased risk of cancer

Sisters Laura and Rebecca joined a study to increase surgical options for women who, like them, were diagnosed with the BRCA gene mutation.