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Your Path in Research: Lindsey Allan is using research to help improve the nutritional health of cancer patients

Oncology Dietitian Lindsey received NIHR Clinical Research Network Kent, Surrey and Sussex Greenshoots funding – dedicated funds to support healthcare professionals to become principal investigators – for her project investigating whether a four-stage diet can improve the quality of life for gynae-oncology or colorectal cancer patients who are at risk of a bowel blockage.


Taking part in COVID-19 research: Janice Rowan

Oxfordshire’s Janice Rowan took asthma drug budesonide through an inhaler as part of an NHS trial after testing positive for COVID-19.


Taking part in COVID-19 research: Shaun’s story

Shaun Rowlands took three drugs as part of a trial into COVID-19 treatments during two months in Reading’s Royal Berkshire Hospital.


John Reilly - Championing research

John talks about his fascination for research and why he chose to get involved.


Laurence is giving back to the NHS by taking part in COVID-19 research

Laurence Penn, 55 from Worthing, is participating in a study that is using smartwatch technology to observe the recovery of patients who were hospitalised in critical care with COVID-19.


Why I am championing research: Simon’s story

Simon became a Research Champion to do something to benefit others by using his experience of being a patient and his knowledge of working in the pharmaceutical industry.


Why I am championing research: Dave’s story

Dave became a Research Champion to help people considering taking part in research to learn more about what is involved.


Why I am championing research: Laurence’s story

Laurence became a Research Champion after taking part in a COVID-19 study.


Research participant says she has been 'gifted a lease of life'

Nicky Hayward, 60, from Bath, is one of the participants taking part in the FLAIR study, a randomised trial comparing treatments containing the drug ibrutinib with standard treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL). She tells us about her experience.


“It feels like everyone is pulling together with research.”

With so much behind her and with so much ahead to look forward to, Karen Delin reflects on the important part that research has played for her.